I get this question ALL of the time over on Instagram (if you're not following me over there, please come join the party here!) - "what are the best non-plastic dishes for kids?" - so today I am answering that here for you...
I get this question ALL of the time over on Instagram (if you're not following me over there, please come join the party here!) - "what are the best non-plastic dishes for kids?" - so today I am answering that here for you...
Infertility rates continue to rise in Canada and the US and now more than ever, couples are struggling to conceive. The reason behind this is largely unknown, but our exposure to environmental chemicals, the food system and our stress levels certainly aren't helping.
Ladies - this message is important! We all know that folate is important if you’re in the preconception period or if you’re pregnant (scroll down in my feed for my post on folic acid vs. folate). Our physicians tell us to take a prenatal that contains folic acid and we are good to go. Sometimes, […]
Chromosomal abnormalities are one of the major causes of miscarriage during the first trimester. What isn't really talked about is how much our diet and lifestyle can impact the health of our eggs and sperm. One of the major areas of focus are antioxidants. Antioxidants protect eggs and sperm from the impact of oxidative stress. […]
One thing I focus on with my clients is fibre intake. Fibre intake is important for general health but it is especially important when my clients are dealing with issues related to hormone imbalance. One of the major ways we detox excess estrogen from the body (among many other things) is by having a bowel […]
You guys - I have to start this post by saying I am SO sorry I have been so sporadic over here on the blog (please follow me on Instagram here - I am super active over there right now!) Life with a full nutrition practice, working on a bunch of amazing projects for you […]
If you know me, I am all about quick and easy (and I am also all about not wasting food, especially when it comes to my sometimes picky toddlers). Muffins are such an easy snack options for the twins (who are now 18 months - where does the time go!?) and I think you guys […]
I got a great question on the Grounded Health Facebook brand page last week (if you’re not following me, please join in the fun here). Someone asked what she could do each day to improve her gut health. So here we go – I wanted to keep it SUPER simple and leave you with some […]
Okay you guys... I was late to the Instant Pot party but I will tell you this - now that I have gotten into using it, I absolutely LOVE it (special thanks to this incredible blogger for the introduction)! One of the reasons I love it the most: my husband uses it and now I […]
I've heard people say for years that chocolate milk is the perfect post workout recovery drink... it's the perfect combination of protein and carbohydrates they say... You guys... look at this marketing (I snapped this photo off the back of a Cheerios box that was on the conveyor belt at Superstore). It's true that […]